‘The Juno Duo’ is a British-Ukrainian Voice and Guitar chamber ensemble formed by Isabella Hulbert and Maryna Vosmirova. With their versatility as musicians, they pride themselves on original arrangements and programming that blends seamlessly from renaissance to modern music, including original compositions. They have been selected as Young Artists of the ‘International Guitar Foundation’ for 2023-2024, and were finalists in the ‘New Elizabethan Award’ in 2024.
They have performed in masterclasses with Sean Shibe and David Russell, and gave performances in April and July 2024 at Kings Place. In 2024, they performed at ‘The North East Guitar Festival’, ‘International Guitar Summit’, ‘Guitar in London Festival’ ‘Ham Farm Festival’ and ‘Petworth Proms Festival’. They have given numerous public concerts at the ‘Royal Academy of Music’ such as ‘Goss at 60’, an exploration of Stephen Goss’ works, and in ‘Double Bill: Cabaret’ and ‘Cabaret with the Juno Duo’, where they performed their own arrangements of Cabaret works in an immersive scripted performance in the Round. They are passionate about new music, and frequently compose their own repertoire, alongside performing new commissions such as Bobbie-Jane Gardner’s ‘Self Love’ (premiered by the duo at the London Guitar Festival) and Lillie Harris’ ‘A Modern Woman’.